‎"For some reason, I've always linked the idea of being cultured with the notion of having class. I realize they're two separate entities, yet in my mind they're inexorably tied." - Jennifer Lancaster

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Photo from beautips.info

  It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this is an issue that hits very close to home. I must say, as I begin to write this, I feel overwhelmed with emotion being that two members of my immediate blood family are affected by this horrible disease. As this month goes by, I encourage every single woman that reads this to take this very seriously seeing that 700,000 cases are expected this year alone. Breast cancer is the second deadliest cancer among American women. It is easy to get checked! There is a 98% survival rate when detected early. 1 in 8 women are likely to be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. Check yourself and donate to any charity of your choice so we, together can help find a cure for cancer in our lifetime.

All information is from www.texasoncology.com/womens-cancer/. Click here to go to their website.

All the best, have a great week!

x/x- Jorge

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