‎"For some reason, I've always linked the idea of being cultured with the notion of having class. I realize they're two separate entities, yet in my mind they're inexorably tied." - Jennifer Lancaster

Monday, November 22, 2010

Anna Banana

      Anna Wintour. Epitome of fashion. Mogul. Head of an industry loved by many. She is a true icon and a force in the fashion world. There is just one eennie bitty thing that bothers me. Why is she so obsessed with Blake Lively. OK, she's gorgeous but, there are many, MANY it girls out there and 3 covers of Vogue in year? Say what now? Like Perez said "How much is her publicist paying Anna..."? Is anyone else baffled by her many appearances in Vogue? September issue, February issue, Best Dressed issue... I mean. COME ON. There are so many other girls - and guys - that deserve that recognition. Agreed or disagreed?

Photo Via Coco Perez. Visit Perez HEREEE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I personally think, she lacks a personality..Blake, that is.
