‎"For some reason, I've always linked the idea of being cultured with the notion of having class. I realize they're two separate entities, yet in my mind they're inexorably tied." - Jennifer Lancaster

Monday, January 31, 2011

Daily Chuckle : Pirate Edition

     I'm off to class today for the first time in about 10 days so I leave you with a Daily Chuckle and hopefully I'll be back to write some more later. Have a great week ya'll!

(Photo from lolsnaps.com)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Daily Chuckle

These guys are a hoot! Enjoy! Happy Sunday ya'll. ;)

- J. Saenz

P.S. Are you following me on Twitter? Click HERE!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


      Ok so when my gramps passed away (may she RIP) she left among her possessions a ghastly, wretched, scary, and "I'll drive you insane" artifact. That artifact, is most commonly know as the Air Wick Freshmatic in this case Ultra. Not only did she leave one, she left two!
      This little bugger is one of the most annoying things I have ever encountered and believe me when I tell you I know some pretty loud & annoying people. I'm Mexican.
(Photo from addictedtodaving.com)

      You would think because I'm Mexican I'd like to have a device around that squirts Harvest Apple and Cinnamon Velvet (from the Winter Luxury Edition) scented freshener in the air every 36 minutes to make my casa not smell like frijoles but in this case? You'd be wrong.

      Oh and by the way? Did you know that it can be set to squirt every 9, 18 or 36 minutes? Oh yeah. That's right. That little machine sprays your tuchus like clockwork and may I add, It doesn't care if you're below it or standing in front of it, it will PSSHHT away and suffocate you.

      The Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra is probably one of the scariest things I have ever encountered in my home since I saw my last Tom Cruise movie. It never fails to scare the shit out of me (Like it did as I wrote this sentence. Coincidence? I think not.) and make me run away as if Terese Giudice was after me.

In the last 3 minutes I have made up my mind; I will take the Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra out by Boca Chica Beach, shoot it with a rifle and have a quite yet intimate burial. Anyone care to join?

 Good afternoon!
                           - J. Saenz

High As A Kite

(Photo from: http://uk.ask.com)

I've been obsessed with this song for weeks now and I can't wait to sing in on karaoke.

.... YES, I am a huge karaoke fan just in case you didn't know.

      The name of the song, like it says in the picture above, is "Higher" by Taio Cruz ft Kylie. Now I'm a recent fan of Taio but a decade long fan of Kylie. I do love the song and I like that these artists decided to work together. I like the collaboration and the meshing of their voices. Taio goes so high in the song that it sounds like one person while they're both singing and I love it.

Click HERE to check out the official video on Taio's VEVO Channel.

Below are stills from the music video. Check it out!

_ J. Saenz
(Photo from: http://mp3stube.net)

Daily Chuckle

(From lolsnaps.com)

Are you following me on Twitter? Click HERE to do so!

The Fountain of Music

     I've been listening to DJ La Fuente for almost a year now and I must say I do love his music. His ability to seamlessly sow house with musical elements like guitar in "Guitarra" or violin in "Irish" is masterful. His creations are best described, as it is written on his website, as "soulful and upbeat." This 27 year old Dutch national has played all over his homeland and internationally as well.

      As you see him you can't help but notice (and love) his afro. He's probably the only Dutch to ever pull that style off. The times that I've talked to him, he seems super cool & down to earth. I told him that my mother said that she loved his music and that he should be honored since it's a higher compliment than winning a Grammy and he just laughed it off and told me to tell my mom "hello." Isn't that sweet? Now, for those you you who know my mother,  you know how she is. She's a tough cookie yet she's as sweet as sugar so I was surprised she like this type of music.

      What I'm getting to is that you should check him out. Now. Click HERE to go to his official website and click HERE to go to his Official Youtube Channel and check out my personal favorite song by him called "Guitarra" ft. Rosenberg Trio.

Shout out to my new readers in The Netherlands,  Malaysia, Denmark, the UK & Canada! x/x :)

Veel liefde,
J. Saenz
DJ La Fuente
(Photos via http://www.cocktailnightinparis.nl/ & http://www.webshop-dj-lafuente.com/)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Daily Chuckle



I think so.

... Is that even how you spell pwnage? Correct me if I'm wrong.

TGIF right? 

Have an awesome Friday!
J. Saenz

BTW, are you following me on Twitter? Click HERE to do so!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Squared.

Isn't this fun? :)

Are you following me on Twitter? Click HERE!

World News

     As my sleeping pattern's been a little effed up, I tend to wake up at 7 or 8 AM everyday. This has become a nuisance yet a blessing in its own way. I wake up to national news and good humor. This can never be a bad thing right?
     Anyhow, there are a few things I read/saw this morning that really puzzled me. Let me list them below:

BRAZIL: 841 people have died due to the size and intensity of the floods ravaging the country. 

JAPAN: Mount Kirishima has erupted and has covered the sky in the south of the country in ash. Air traffic has been suspended. 

INDONESIA: Mount Bromo has erupted and grounded all air traffic to and from Bali.

IRAK: 51 people have died due to bombings.

MEXICO: Sueltan a Kalimba!

SAUDI ARABIA: Floods in Jeddah, the country's second largest city,  cause power outages and fear. (Floods in 2009 killed over 120 people)

(Photo courtesy of Susan Baaghil / Reuters)

      OK so, does anyone else find it a tad bit odd that Australia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka have been ravished by by insanely large floods at the SAME TIME? Coincidence, really? I'm a little skeptical. 

     Who do you think is responsible for all of these natural disasters? Check out the poll and vote!

         J. Saenz

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guilty Pleasure.

      Those of you who know me, know that I have a sweet tooth and especially when it comes to mixing fresh fruits with something sweet (e.g. dark chocolate, sugar, yogurt.) I love the taste that fresh strawberries have when they're dipped in dark chocolate, the sweetness & smoothness of a whole banana drowned in French vanilla yogurt, or slices of red apple dipped in chamoy. One of my favorite little pleasures is the following; creamy chocolate ice cream with crumbled Oreos sprinkled on top and accompanied with sliced bananas and fresh blueberries.

      It's so easy to make & extremely delicious! Highly recommended kids! Hope you like it!
(Photo by: Jorge Luis Saenz)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pajama Jeans

      No offense to those of you who own one of these... fabulous items... actually no, OFFENSE INTENDED. If you own a pair of Pajama Jeans you should be reprehended (Same thing applies to Crocs).  Why would someone invent this? Jeggings I get but, this? Is the epitome of lazy. In my opinion anyway. Did someone think that this was a good idea? Really?

      If you by some reason love this product, go to their website by clicking HERE and purchase a pair for $39.95 plus $7.95 S&H.

      Although, I must say. They advertise that they look like expensive "designer jeans."

........... Aha.

      In what world do you live in Miss Pajama Jeans Advertiser? Do they not make True Religion where you live? R&R perhaps? Yeah, didn't think so.

Disclaimer: If I see you wearing these, I will say something that's not nice. Be forewarned.

J. Saenz

(Photo property of Pajama Jeans)


      My latest obsession while I've been sick? FoodBuzz.com. As soon as I can stuff my face with food like I usually do, I'm going to make 54 of these recipes and invite people over to feast and dine. It will be glorious. The first thing I want to make?  Gorgonzola and Cherry Pastry Puffs. I love the combination of salty and sweet flavors and this looks like a winner indeed. Check out the recipe HERE and check out the deliciousness in the picture below!
(Picture from FoodBuzz.com)


      Since my bed-rest last friday because of my operation I've been in need of some fun & laughs. THIS definitely gave me some laughs. I hope this gives someone a laugh or smile! 

Much love,
J. Saenz

Monday, January 24, 2011

This made my day so far.

My Heart To You

      I've been MIA for about a month now, I've been constantly sick and I still am as I write this (I just had surgery) but I felt the need to write this to you all. My heart goes out to the families & friends of those who lost someone & all those injured in the terrorist attack in at Domodedovo Intl. Airport in the outskirts in Moscow, Russia. I'll say a pray for those 35 souls who died. I wish all my Russian readers the best, love, and light. 

Я посылаю вам свою любовь и наилучшие пожелания.


Thursday, January 6, 2011


      I cannot understand Americans' fixation and obsession with carpet. I don't! Do you? It's unsanitary and esthetically speaking? Horrendous. I recently went "apartment shopping" with a relator and it seemed to be that every place had some hideous carpet! Green carpet, beige carpet, burgundy carpet; you have no idea the array of colors these people can come up with.
      Do you people know how many bacteria and bugs and dirt carpet holds? I had carpet in my old apartment for about a year and hot-DAMN it got dirty. Now, for those of you who went to my apartment know that the carpet was never clean. You see, that's another reason why I don't like carpet. It's very hard to upkeep! 

      Oh you Americans. 

      I mean, I'm an American too but I grew up a la Mexican and my house had marble and wooden floors so I never had to deal with that. I do like a nice rug or two but that's pretty much it. I don't get why you would choose carpet over some gorge dark stained oak floors!

      I guess I'll never know. What do you think?

- J. Saenz

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

F*** Censorship

      See how I censored the title? Get it!?

      Ok so the American literary classic Huckleberry Finn is being re-published here in the U.S. without the N word. We all know what that word means and what it entails yet I am compelled to disagree with parents, critics and others across America in censoring the word.  We all grew up reading this book. Mark Twain wrote it beautifully and it shows a period in time in out nation's history that is important to know and study and comprehend. We can't pick and choose what we want to know or what has happened in history or what we want out children to learn.
      The novel depicted a time in history that we must learn to not forget. There is a reason why everyone has read this book while they were growing up because of it great portrayal of life in that specific era.

      I don't agree with the re-publishing of the book without the N-word; even though it comes out 219 times. I am completely opposed with censorship in literary classics.
      What do you guys think? Should they continue with the re-publishing or should the not go through with it at all?

Shout out to my Russian readers!

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